Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Funny Math is Funny

Who says Math can't be funny?

When you don't know the answer to a test, exam question, there's the option of: leaving it blank, filling it in with random gibberish, or drawing a funny picture.

Here are a collection of hilarious test answers from students all over the world!

Cause being a woman is wrong :(

And it even got checked HAHAHA!


Sarcastic much? HAHA!

Tetris is Fun!

Beer Law

Pacman! Too easy

Cause Batman said so!

Nice, says the teacher.

"Ninja Skills got me a perfect grade on my exam, ma!"

How dare you upset Jesus!

Awesome teacher is awesome HAHA his ogre beats your puny ninja

I can't believe some people actually answer their tests like this! I find these hilarious but at the same time ridiculous. I would never have the guts to actually answer math problems like these.

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